Welcome to Southeast Harris County (TX) Branch

NEXT MEETING:  July 27, 2024.

The July meeting will be held on July 27–at the Olive Garden–beginning at 1:00pm.  The address is:  12711 Gulf Freeway 77034.  Their telephone no is 281-922-1523.  We will conduct Branch business–an agenda will be provided.  And Delia will present the book Educated, by Tara Westover.  


At the March 2024 meeting, Darlene Prescott was re-elected President, and Sonia Hernandez agreed to continue as Finance Officer until a replacement comes forward.

Past Events

On June 22, 2024, the Branch met up with the League of Women Voters of the Bay Area in order to ascertain interest in working together to get out the vote in the upcoming Presidential election.  We also discussed ways to celebrate Women’s Equality Day on August 26.  This Day commemorates the 1920 adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment–which gave women the right to vote.  Diane Sheridan–both a member of AAUW and LWV–organized and hosted the meeting, and Barbara Murray, President of the LWV local chapter, and Darlene Prescott, President of the Branch, made presentations.  Members of both groups participated, and felt that our joint efforts would be helpful to the voting process.  During the ‘political season,’ members will be carrying out a myriad of activities, like disseminating voting information, phone-banking, serving as election judges, and even driving senior voters to the polling stations.  We continue working on how we can properly honor Women’s Equality Day–stay tuned!


March was WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH, and in its recognition Branch members discussed–good and bad- how we have handled an unequal world—how our relatives have done so.  Mary Ellen told us that her mother encouraged her to learn a trade, or go to college, emphasizing how important it was for her to be able to support herself.  Mary Ellen heeded her mother’s wise advice.  Anne’s grandmother, Joanna Carr, who was described has a person of zeal and unflagging energy in the local newspapers, in 1925, was the force behind the establishment of a Catholic Church in Crook, Colorado.  Sonia discussed how she was first denied a Sears credit card, in the day, because she was married.  After contacting ACLU, however, she was given one!  It is difficult to believe that just in our lifetimes, laws, customs, attitudes have changed.  Darlene used her legal skills to aid human trafficking/sex slavery victims in the Houston area obtain their T-visas–which allowed them to remain in the U.S., recover and eventually become a citizen.  Most of the citizenry do not realize the number of victims, and the magnitude of their suffering.  Other members recalled how  an AAUW scholarship helped their relatives and friends.  Hattie mentioned that a daughter-in-law’s scholarship helped her through law school.  She is now a prosecutor in San Jose, California.  Delia’s friend, Jane, received an AAUW scholarship to study education and sociology.  An all A student, and busy wife, mother, and community member, she wanted to earn a college degree because her husband and everyone in her family had degrees.  Not all the reminiscing was positive.  Darlene recalled that she never met an aunt because she had died of complications from an illegal abortion before Darlene was born.  Another member remembered that her 16-year cousin also died of complications from an illegal abortion.  Unfortunately, we will see more deaths as a result of  the overturn of Roe v. Wade.  All members knew women in their life who were strong and did their best–in spite of many obstacles placed in their path.  And we, of course, as AAUW members are trying to make the country a better–happier–place for women and girls in the future.  Furthermore, I should point out that many Branch members are also members of the League of Women Voters, and other women-focused, or justice-related organizations.


The Branch’s Sonia Hernandez organized, on October 29, el Dia de los Muertos celebration.  This day is commemorated annually around the Hispanic world.  It is more a joyful event that involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember those who have died.  Some of us brought photos our loved ones who have passed–to be displayed.  There was, of course, delicious food and drink.  And Pancho Claus (Richard Reyes) made a visit.  Pancho Claus has been donating his time and efforts for over 40 years in the Hispanic communities of Texas.  Mr. Reyes is featured in the December 2023 issue of the Texas Highways magazine.  Muchas gracias, Sonia, for an eventful occasion.


Some of the Branch members met up on October 27 to sign letters to our congressional representatives–sending copies to the President and Vice-President.  In the letter, we expressed our support for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)–an existential amendment for the well-being of women.  Texas, along with 37 other states, have ratified the amendment, but with the current political climate in the state, as well as in other states, there is an unhealthy trend of taking away rights from women.  We expressed our urgency that affirming the ratification of the amendment was now crucial.  We reminded the politicians that a majority of citizens (men and women) surveyed support the ERA.  In 2013 the National Archives called the ERA “the most popular never-ratified amendment”!  Our letter further noted that it was a well-funded, undemocratic minority that was keen on restricting the freedom of over half the population of the U.S.


Linda McLeod, branch past president leads discussion of Suite Francais

Linda McLeod, Branch past President



Linda McLeod (Branch immediate past President) led the discussion of the book, Suite Francaise, by Irène Némirovsky.  The Branch met March 25, 2023 for its regular luncheon, business, and book discussion.



Sonia Hernandez: Branch Finance Office and Primera cocinera Mexicana

Sonia Hernandez: Branch Finance Officer and Primera cocinera Mexicana

Thanks to Sonia Hernandez (Finance Officer) for inviting members to a Cinco de Mayo luncheon (on May 1), at the Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church.  Instead of margaritas, we were served traditional Mexican food & fruit drinks–as well as a well-received history lesson.  Thanks to Sonia for la comida deliciosa.





Col.EileenCollins-booksigning Darlene Prescott AAUW Delia Stephens Jon Haire, Rotary International

Col. Eileen Collins (seated); Darlene Prescott, Delia Stephens, & Jon Haire.

On April 28, members attended a book-signing of Col. (Retired) Eileen M. Collins’s book Through the Glass Ceiling to the Stars, at the Nassau Bay Hilton.  Col. Collins is the first American woman to command a space mission.  Thanks to Delia Stephens for setting up this event.  This inspiring book has been donated to local public libraries by Branch members.





Please contact Darlene Prescott [dprescottx@yahoo.com] for further information, including
membership information for the Branch.